Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 7 - Who Won?

You are given an array of strings containing a 3 letter country name followed by a hyphen (-) and A 3 digit number. These strings represent the number of points earned by the students of the respective country in a programming competition.
NOTE: There are only 3 countries participating, India, China and USA. The 3 letter code for the countries are IND, CHI and USA respectively.

Write a function that calculates the total number of points scored by the students of IND, CHI and USA and returns a string in the same format with the country code followed by a hyphen followed by the total points scored by the country which has the highest points.

INPUT -> ["IND-32","CHI-33","USA-29","USA-30","IND-12","CHI-34"]
OUTPUT -> "CHI-67"

NOTE: It is guaranteed that the sum of the scores won't be equal.

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